Tom Newton

Hi, I'm Tom! 👋

I build software for the renewable energy industry at Onyx Insight.

Skiing Warth, Austria - 2022

I currently live in Nottingham, UK with my partner where we are slowly working to improve our flat. 🏠

In my spare time, I like building things online. I mostly use projects as an opportunity to learn new tools and technologies, but I do dream of launching a product and becoming ramen profitable 🍜. You can see some of my projects below.

I sometimes do triathlons - follow my progress on strava or



2022 - live

Fretbuddy is a free online learning tool that teaches you the notes on the fretboard. Includes more than 100 interactive lessons using a virtual guitar to help you locate and memorise the notes all over the guitar.

ReactFirebase 🔥


2021 - inactive

Network is a reddit like social media site where users can make posts, edit posts, follow users and upvote/downvote posts.

Django RESTReact

2019 - inactive

Website built to streamline the process of getting solar PV proposals for your property. Some notable features include: Google Maps integration, Stripe integration, automated emails (Flask Mail), AWS S3.

FlaskBoostrapJSSQLiteAWS S3Heroku

Auction House

2021 - inactive

Auction Website build using Django, HTML and Bootstrap CSS. Users can create an account and sign in to create new auctions or bid on listed items.



2021 - inactive

Google Mail clone built using Django, HTML, Bootstrap CSS, Vanilla JS. Allows users to send, delete and respond to emails. Users can organise emails into various inbox folders such as archived, spam and deleted.



2021 - live

Web Application created for Fishtek Consulting with the aim of speeding up a menial business task which required downloading and plotting data in excel. The app calls the riverlevels uk api and returns data in tables and plots such as a flow duration data for river monitoring locations in Great Britain.
